Style: An eclectic mix of house and trance.
Best Known For: The variety of my productions and my DJ style.
Tune of The Year: Ferry Corsten feat Betsie Larkin 'Not Coming Down'
Breakthrough DJ/Producer of 2012: Shogun
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be: Time travelling. Then I could beam people back to their most favourite night ever.
Should you play to the crowd or for yourself: You should do both. Keeping the crowd happy is as important as experimenting with music and playing new stuff for yourself.
What does EDM mean to you: Endless dimensional music.
Should celebrities be DJs: If they do it for the right reasons and not just because it's the in thing now, then sure, why not?
Have you ever been thrown off the decks: Nope, never!
Are you a DJ if you don't beat match: You can still call yourself a DJ if you don't beat match. In the end it's all about the music.
Where's the next dance music capital: Somewhere in the US.