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Sander van Doorn
Sander van Doorn

Sander van Doorn


Best Known For: Identity radio show, Dusk Till Doorn, 'Eleve11'.

Tune of The Year: Nothing Inside

Breakthrough DJ/Producer of 2012: Julian Jordan

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be: Easy. Teleportation.

Should you play to the crowd or for yourself: I believe that I have a responsibility as an artist to introduce new music to people, but that doesn't mean we play for ourselves. I 100% play for the crowd, but that means reading what they're into and being adaptable.

What does EDM mean to you: I guess if I used real instruments like a piano and a guitar in a song I wouldn't be an 'EDM' producer anymore!

Should celebrities be DJs: Pffff!

Have you ever been thrown off the decks: Well, no. But I have fought with a sheik in Vegas when he came in the booth with me uninvited. He treated me and my team to a cabana the next morning.

Are you a DJ if you don't beat match: Is that really a question? Like asking, 'Can you ski without snow?' Yes

Where's the next dance music capital: I think we should focus on building on the success of ones we have!